Customer Service Vision

A customer service vision is a shared definition of outstanding customer service that gets everyone on the same page.

Think of it as a compass that points all employees in the right direction. Research from The Service Culture Handbook reveals almost every customer-focused company has one. 

Here are some customer service vision resources:

  1. Get an overview and see examples.

  2. Use this step-by-step guide to create your own.

  3. Decide whether you need a facilitator to help you.

You can watch this short video from the Leading a Customer-Centric Culture course on LinkedIn Learning:

Get Help!

Toister Performance Solutions can facilitate the vision creation process to make it fast, easy, and effective. Two options are available:

  • In-person

  • Virtual

Want to learn more? Click the button below or call Jeff Toister at 619-955-7946. 

Download the Worksheet:

Use the Customer Service Vision worksheet to create your own vision.