Why We Need Customer Service Reminders

Updated: June 30, 2023

You probably had a combination locker in high school.

Back then, you could open the locker in a matter of seconds. You dialed that combination so often that it was practically burned into your muscle memory.

Imagine standing in front of your old locker right now. You probably couldn’t open it, even if the combination hasn’t changed. It has long since been forgotten.

That’s because you store most information on a use it or lose it basis. Frequent use and repetition makes that knowledge easily accessible. Infrequent use causes the information to slip farther and farther back in our memories.

Customer service skills are a lot like your old locker combination. Using them often keeps them top of mind and makes them easier to remember.

Regular reminders can help.

Banner that reads “Customer Service Tip of the Week.”

How weekly tips can help you stay sharp

The Customer Service Tip of the Week email is a simple reminder system. Each week, you receive an email with one tip that reminds you to apply a specific customer service skill.

Focusing on just one tip at a time keeps it manageable. Making a habit of practicing one skill per week ensures you always stay sharp. Over the course of 52 weeks, you’ll have practiced 52 different customer service skills.

Here’s how to use the weekly tips:

  1. Read the the tip of the week.

  2. Reflect on the tip.

  3. Create an intention to use the tip with your customers.

  4. Practice using the tip for one week.

  5. Evaluate your progress at the end of the week.

You can subscribe for free if you don’t already receive them.

What if I’m already an expert?

True experts gain their status, and keep it, by constantly practicing. Think about your favorite athlete or musician. They keep their skills sharp through constant practice.

You should, too.

In 1999, researchers Justin Kruger and David Dunning published some fascinating research on expertise. Kruger and Dunning discovered that unskilled people consistently overrate their ability. Even average performers think they’re smarter than they really are.

Top performers are the only group who consistently underrates their ability. That’s because they know how difficult it is to achieve their level of expertise, and they worry about maintaining their skills.


How to use the weekly tips with your team

The Customer Service Tip of the Week after a brainstorming session with a client. Her team had just taken my Customer Service Foundations course and wanted a way to remind her team about the concepts they had learned. 

This conversation spurred the creation of my Customer Service Tip of the Week email. Each weekly email contains a single customer service tip that’s based on my training class. 

Since then, customer service leaders around the world have used the tips to supplement their training. Here are a few examples:

Gina, a Customer Care Director, uses the tips to generate discussion topics for her daily team huddle meetings. She often forwards the tips to her team when sharing reminders about a particular topic.

Mark Berlin, Guest Services Director at the USS Midway Museum, connects the tips to specific customer service challenges. This reminds employees about ways they can use them to resolve problems.

Lupe Zepeda, Customer Service Manager at CSA Travel Protection, uses the tips for ideas that can improve customer satisfaction. For example, her team stocked up on branded note cards after reading this tip on the power of handwritten notes. 

Jeremy Watkin, Director of Customer Service at Phone.com, forwards tips to his team when they address a specific issue or concept he wants to reinforce. 


Subscribe to the weekly tips

The Customer Service Tip of the Week email is free to anyone. Use the form below to subscribe if you don’t already receive the weekly emails.

You’ll be joining thousands of customer service around the world who use these weekly tips to stay sharp.

Five Intriguing Summer Reads to Feed Your Brain

Summer is a time for reading the kind of books you can get lost in.

They must be intriguing without being heavy. Your brain doesn’t want to work too hard while you laze on the beach in the park.

A good mystery novel (Michael Connelly is my favorite) or a trashy romance novel often fits the bill. Sometimes, though, we still want to learn. It gives us a guilt-free excuse to read even when we’re not taking some time off.

Here are five intriguing books that will satisfy your brain’s intellectual curiosity.

They all contain valuable lessons that can be applied to business, particularly customer service, but they rely on good stories to tell their tale.


Your Brain at Work

This book offers a fascinating look at how we can improve our success by having a better understanding of how our brains work. It follows a typical workday for Emily and Paul, who are both overwhelmed with constant emails, meetings, and distractions. The author, David Rock, rewinds the scenes that unfold throughout their day to show us how small changes can lead to big improvements.

The Invisible Gorilla 

This book starts out with a high speed pursuit of a murder suspect. When the police finally catch up, they nab the wrong guy. Sounds like a classic mystery novel? The book is really about how we often miss what should be obvious. If you've ever wondered how a customer service rep could miss an opportunity right in front of them, this book will explain how. The book gets its name from a popular experiment that you can see on video

Predictably Irrational

You may have heard about Facebook’s now infamous experiment where they showed how user’s updates were influenced by their friends. You’d like to believe that you wouldn’t be so easily manipulated, but Dan Ariely’s fascinating book reveals how we’re not nearly as rational as we think we are.


If your a fan of Breaking Bad, you'll appreciate the chapter called "Why Do Drug Dealers Still Live With Their Moms?” This book uncovers the hidden truth behind a variety of topics by effortlessly blending hard data with captivating storytelling. Even more important than the stores themselves, Freakonomics causes us to challenge our assumptions.

In-N-Out Burger

Did you know that In-N-Out and McDonald’s share a lot of history? They were both founded in 1948, started in Southern California, and brought us many innovations that are common in the fast food industry today. From there, the two companies’ paths diverged as McDonald’s became a global titan and In-N-Out established a cult-like following. This exceptionally well-researched story gives readers a behind-the-scenes glimpse of In-N-Out Burger’s rich history.

What's on your summer reading list?

How Clio Took Service to the Next Level

In late 2013, Clio was growing at a rapid pace. They were one of the first companies to offer cloud-based legal practice management software, but it was only a matter of time before competition increased.

Catherine Hillier, Clio’s Director of Customer Support, said:

"We are always racing to be the best. While there are a limited number of ways products can differentiate themselves through features, there’s an unlimited number of opportunities to differentiate ourselves through exceptional support, so we have put an emphasis on Customer Support to make us stand apart from the competition."

Their support team was good already, but they wanted to be great. 

The big question was how to do it. This is a daunting challenging for many companies who are trying to elevate their service. The steps to improvement aren’t always obvious when you are already working at a high level.

Companies can sometimes benefit from a fresh perspective, so Clio teamed up with Toister Performance Solutions to create their next level customer service plan.

Our plan focused on the three fundamental steps:

  1. Define great service.
  2. Measure progress.
  3. Align the team.
Clio's support team enjoying a team dinner.

Clio's support team enjoying a team dinner.

Define Great Service

Hillier and her team had created a customer service vision before our project started, so they were off to a great start.

A customer service vision is a definition of outstanding customer service that’s shared by the team. It acts as a compass that gives employees clear direction when trying to find the best way to serve their customers.

A good vision has three qualities:

  1. The definition is simple and easily understood
  2. It describes the type of service we want to achieve for our customers
  3. It reflects both who we are now and who we aspire to be in the future

Clio’s customer service vision fit these three qualities nicely:

Our mission is to WOW our customers with outstanding service that results in loyalty and evangelism.

They went further to define four specific principles to guide employees:

Cater to each user as a VIP

Listen actively without interrupting/assuming

Investigate issues and provide solutions/workarounds

Optimize each interaction by being efficient

The next level opportunity was to find ways to remind the team about the vision more often. We worked on a few steps to accomplish this:

  • The customer service vision was incorporated into new hire training
  • Current employees received training to help them better understand the vision
  • The vision was added as a discussion topic for all team meetings


Measure Progress

Clio had an 85% customer satisfaction rating at the start of the project. This number was well ahead of the 79% average for the software industry, but they wanted to elevate service even higher.

We focused on two areas to improve Clio’s ability to measure customer satisfaction.

First, we identified ways to leverage their Zendesk customer service software to capture more voice of customer feedback. Zendesk has a nifty feature that allows companies to automatically send customers surveys when a support ticket is completed. Clio enabled this feature for customers contacting them via email. They also created a few rules within Zendesk to avoid inundating customers with duplicate surveys.

The result was Clio increased their survey responses by over 600% in just two months.

The second focus area was using the survey data to create actionable insight. One of the steps Clio implemented was a customer follow-up program. Anytime a customer gave an unsatisfactory rating on a survey, someone from Clio’s support team would make a follow-up contact to try to resolve the problem.

In one situation, a Clio customer was frustrated that the software didn’t contain a particular feature. A Support Specialist researched the issue and responded to the customer with a detailed explanation about why the feature hadn’t been implemented. The customer responded positively and pledged to continue using Clio because he felt the company was really listening to his survey feedback.


Align the Team

The third step in the process was conducting an assessment of how various processes such as hiring, training, and performance management are aligned with the customer service vision.

The assessment revealed that Clio was already doing a lot of things well, such as hiring great employees and creating customer-focused policies and procedures. It also identified a few opportunities for continued growth.

One example was introducing the customer service vision in new hire training. This helped new hires quickly understand Clio’s specific brand of service and how they could help deliver it.

Hillier has been careful to gradually implement new initiatives identified by the assessment so her busy team wouldn’t be overwhelmed. This approach has also created opportunities for ongoing dialogue about service.

She is now developing a quality monitoring process to give employees ongoing performance feedback. Rather than rushing something through, Hillier solicited employee input on the process and is testing it on a limited basis before a planned roll-out later this month.



Hillier wanted to give her support team some additional skills by putting them through the Delivering Next Level Service training program.

The team works multiple shifts in multiple locations, so we decided to facilitate the training via webinar. Most people think of webinars as a monotonous voice droning on over a PowerPoint presentation, but these sessions were interactive. 

According to Hillier, the reception was very positive:

"The support team was surprised at how engaging the training was and how much fun it was on their end."

The webinars were delivered in six modules that were one-hour each. The sessions were held every two weeks to give participants an opportunity to apply new skills before working on something new. Employees were split into two groups to maintain operational coverage.



Clio was truly able to elevate their service to the next level by the end of the project. 

Their customer satisfaction rating increased from 85 to 93 percent. Meanwhile, they were collecting more voice of customer data than ever before and had succeeded in engaging the support team with the customer service vision. 

Hillier summed up her thoughts on the project:

"What puts a smile on my face? When I walk by support staff talking and they are referencing “What Jeff said” or how they were implementing what they learned. This process has allowed us to clearly define what Great Customer Service is to us and how to live it every day."

Customer Service Lessons from The Karate Kid

I love The Karate Kid and all it’s cheesy awesomeness.

In the movie, the main character Daniel-san learns karate from his mysterious mentor, Mr. Miyagi. Thirty years after the movie’s release, I now realize how Mr. Miyagi’s lessons are equally applicable to customer service.


Lesson #1: Learn the Right Way

The movie’s plot centers around Daniel-san’s efforts to defend himself against a bully. He initially tries to learn karate from a book but it doesn’t go well.

Daniel-san’s fortunes improve markedly when Mr. Miyagi agrees to teach him karate. Mr. Miyagi imposes structure and discipline. He focuses Daniel-san on a specific objective, winning the All Valley Under 18 Karate Tournament and helps Daniel-san hone the skills he needs to win.

Businesses must learn to improve customer service the right way too.

Many executives think they can learn all they need to know about customer service by reading about it. In my book, Service Failure, I refer to this as Harvard Business Review Management. An executive distributes an article from the Harvard Business Review and tells the team "let's do this."  

The concept makes sense at a high level but fails spectacularly in its execution.

A better approach is to impose structure and discipline while guiding the business to a specific customer service improvement goal. In a recent post, I laid out a step-by-step guide you can follow to take your company’s customer service to the next level.


Lesson #2: Master the Basics

The impatient Daniel-san couldn’t wait to learn high-flying karate kicks and punches. 

Mr. Miyagi had a different plan in mind. He made Daniel-san complete an endless series of back-breaking chores such detailing a fleet of cars, sanding an endless deck, and painting a huge fence (on both sides!).

Daniel-san grudgingly followed Mr. Miyagi’s orders until he hit a breaking point and challenged the wisdom of Mr. Miyagi’s training. That’s when Mr. Miyagi showed Daniel-san that the chores had actually been teaching him the basics of defense.

Like Daniel-san, companies should focus on mastering the basics before getting enthralled with flashy new technology or the latest marketing trend. 

Keynote speaker Matt Dixon shared a startling statistic at the 2014 Contact Center Expo and Conference: 

Negative service is nearly 4 times more impactful on loyalty than outstanding service.

For example, your hotel might have a great location, great rates, and an unbeatable rewards program. None of that matters if your guest rooms are in this condition


Lesson #3: Win the Moments of Truth

The crane technique is one of the more iconic images from the Karate Kid. Mr. Miyagi tells Daniel-san the technique is indefensible if done correctly, and the movie devotes a montage sequence to show Daniel-san learning it.

It’s important to note that Daniel-san uses this technique only once. He saves it for the movie’s climatic fight scene when he’s badly injured and must summon every last ounce of strength for one final move.

It’s important for companies to win their moments of truth too. 

Perhaps it’s a challenging problem, an unusual situation, or just a golden opportunity to go the extra mile. Winning that moment can earn a customer’s loyalty while losing it may cause the customer to flee to a competitor.

The crane technique is iconic to The Karate Kid because it was used at a pivotal moment. The same effect holds true when outstanding service is delivered at just the right moment. Most service is satisfactory, but it's the truly great or truly bad service that stands out.

The real secret here is that companies must pick their moments to both satisfy and delight their customers.


Note: Al Hopper often blogs about inspirational customer service lessons from popular movies. When I got the idea for this post, I wondered if Al had already done something about The Karate Kid. He had, but fortunately it was a different lesson. It just goes to show that The Karate Kid worked on many levels.

Three Social Customer Care Trends You Can't Ignore

Note: This post was originally posted on LinkedIn. You can find more of my LinkedIn posts here.

Social customer service was a big topic at last week’s Contact Center Expo and Conference. (You can read my re-cap here.)

At the conference, Susan McDaniel from Execs in the Know participated in a panel on social customer care where she shared some interesting statistics that really captured the audience's attention. Afterwards, she was kind enough to give me a copy of the 2013 Customer Experience Management Benchmark Study that’s co-produced by her firm and Digital Roots.

Here’s a breakdown of three big trends revealed in the report. If your company serves its customers through social media, you'll want to know about these.

Customer Care Involvement

One of the most promising trends is that customer service teams are getting increasingly involved with social channels.

The numbers looked bleak a year ago.

The Execs in the Know benchmark found only 10 percent of customer service departments owned social customer care. A Ragan study reported this number at 19 percent. Regardless of whose study you follow, the number was ridiculously low.

That number has jumped to 36 percent in the latest report.

It’s a step in the right direction, but it’s also a clear sign that many companies still don’t get it. The majority of corporate social media is still controlled by marketing (42 percent).

Two things happen when marketing dominates social media and doesn't coordinate with customer care.

  1. Customer support issues go unanswered.
  2. Service channels offer an inconsistent experience.

Social media is social + media. It’s not just for marketing.

Impactful Customer Communities

Remember when everyone was talking about Web 2.0 being the next big thing? We envisioned a world of social interaction where communities of customers could help each other.

That was in 2004.

Ten years later, we may finally be getting serious, with 41 percent of companies hosting a community forum.

Customer service software providers like Zendesk are making it easier than ever to set up communities that put FAQs and customer-driven forums side-by-side. These communities can help customers get the answers they need quickly while reducing service costs.

The online student community at Penn Foster was recognized at the Contact Center Expo and Conference with an award for Best Use of an Emerging Channel. Two stats from their success story really jumped out:

  • Emails were reduced by more than 40 percent
  • Their cost per interaction has dropped an average of $1.06 per year since 2010

Reduced cost is enticing, but it's important to remember that costs were reduced by making a community that people actually found useful and engaging.

Companies Slowly Getting Serious

This last trend is really a collection of metrics that suggest companies are starting to take social customer service more seriously.

  • 82 percent of social media engagements are made by employees (vs vendors)
  • 80 percent have policies about what conversations to engage in
  • 66 percent provide social media agents with training

All of these represent significant increases over last year’s benchmark.

Of course, the one that really jumped out was ONLY 66 percent provide social media agents with training. Apparently, the remaining 34 percent are left to their own devices. Perhaps figuratively and literally.

If you’re not training your social agents, you’re asking for trouble.

What’s Next?

Social customer service finally seems to be maturing, but it still has a ways to go.

Facebook is 10 years old. Twitter is 8 years old. More than 90 percent of companies use these channels to engage customers.

It’s about time more companies figure it out. Key areas for improvement include:

  • Faster response times
  • Fewer ignored questions
  • Consistent service quality across all channels

The few companies that get it right can really stand out from the rest that don’t.

A Mind-blowingly Epic Post About Words

My friend Michelle and I recently had a conversation about the use of adjectives. It went something like this:

“I could really go for some ice cream right now.”

“That would be mind-blowing.”

“Let’s keep an eye out for a place. I'm craving some chocolate chip."

“Yeah, chocolate chip ice cream would be epic.”

“Ok, but what happens if one of us wins the lottery? How would we describe that?! We’ve already wasted mind-blowing and epic on chocolate chip ice cream.”

I’m pretty sure I ripped this idea from a comedian, probably Louis C.K., but the idea rings true. A lot of words get tossed around without much thought.

In truth, chocolate chip ice cream would have been really nice at that moment. But mind-blowing?

Here’s the definition of mind-blowing according to dictionary.com:

  1. Overwhelming; astounding
  2. Producing a hallucinogenic effect

I like chocolate chip ice cream but it doesn't rise to the level of overwhelming or astounding. And, I try really hard not to visit the kinds of places that would serve ice cream with hallucinogenic side effects.

That ice-cream was mind-blowing.

That ice-cream was mind-blowing.

Marketers, journalists, and bloggers use these types of adjectives like they’re going out of style. Try Googling "Mind-blowing ________" where you fill in the blank with your topic of interest. Then prepare to be moderately informed. Your mind will definitely not be blown.

It’s not really their fault. Many of us (myself included) use these types of hype-laden words in everyday conversation without really giving them much thought.

This is a problem with meaningless words in customer service too.

Consider these common customer service questions that have lost virtually all meaning from rampant overuse:

  • How are you today?
  • Did you find everything alright?
  • Is there anything else I can help you with?

The cashiers at my local grocery often ask “Did you find everything alright?” It must be part of the script, because they ask it nearly every time. I sometimes say “No.”

That leads to awkwardness. (Clearly, I’m supposed to say “Yes.”) There's stunned silence or a small grunt of acknowledgement before the cashier returns to cashiering.

Once in awhile, an adventurous cashier asks for more information. “What weren’t you able to find?”

“You were out of frozen chicken breasts.”

More awkwardness. “Oh. Sorry.”

Why do we bother asking these questions? Like the over-hyped adjectives mind-blowing and epic, we’ve stopped thinking about them. We just say the words.

There are other customer service pet peeves when it comes to words. Many customer service managers tell me they cringe when they hear one of their employees say “No problem” to a customer.

The feeling is it sends the wrong message, as if serving the customer might have been a problem, just not this time. 

The problem with “No problem” is that it’s used instinctively. A client of mine once shared the “No problem” challenge with me and then unconsciously blurted “No problem!” in response to an unrelated issue just two minutes later. 


So, what can be done?

My suggestion is to think more clearly about what we’re trying to accomplish with our words. 

  1. Save adjectives like mind-blowing and epic for times when they really apply.
  2. Never ask questions we don’t want the answer to.
  3. Be thoughtful about the words we use with customers.

It's not easy, but it would be amazing if we could do better.